Internet Safety
Online Safety is taught at Thriftwood College, on a weekly basis, with a different curriculum for our Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students.
We deliver the curriculum through the following six strands:
Self-Image, Identity, Privacy and Security – covers the difference between ‘offline’ and ‘online’ identities and how personal information can be found online and can be re-used, saved and shared by others.
Online Relationships - covers the impact of technology on communication and relationships, both online and offline.
Online Bullying - covers the topic of cyber-bullying and other negative behaviours online and offline.
Online Reputations - introduces the concept of ‘online reputation’, including how people can make judgements based on your online activity.
Managing Online Information, Copyright and Ownership - helps students understand how online information is found, viewed and interpreted and helps students understand the terms ‘copyright’ and ‘ownership’ in respect of online content.
Health, Well-Being and Lifestyle - covers the negative impacts that technology can have on a person’s health, well-being and lifestyle.
The below links give you more information regarding general advice and help but also how to report online sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and online bullying.
Think U Know - Internet Safety
Think U Know - Parent Guide to being Social Online
Parent Info - Having a Positive Digital Footprint
Net Aware: Your guide to social networks, apps and games - Net Aware brings together the NSPCC’s expertise in protecting children and O2’s tech know-how, they’ve got everything you need to help you keep your kids safe online
The Department for Education Advice for Parents & Carers on Cyberbullying