Accreditation & Examinations
At Thriftwood College, students have the opportunity to experience a range of subjects in order to develop themselves in their strengths and build on areas of development.
Some subjects may be studied to accreditation level, from Year 10 onwards. We are very proud of the external accreditation that our students achieve, which ensures their successful transition and prepares them for the next step in their learning journey.
Examinations are taken at Thriftwood College, which is a registered exam centre for AQA, NCFE, The Leadership Skills Foundation and The Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Further information can be found below and on the Department for Education's website at Find and compare schools in England - GOV.UK (
Learners are offered a range of qualifications which reflect their starting points and progress made, with exams predominantly taken in year 11 and year 13. We provide accreditation which prepares learners for the next stage in their education or employment.
To accredit those learners working at a high academic level, on an individual basis, we judge the suitability and accessibility of the GCSE and the Functional Skills curriculum and assessment style, to ensure that our learners can experience success. To follow and obtain a GCSE, learners need to be able to demonstrate an aptitude and willingness for independent learning and be able to engage with more abstract concepts.
Each learner is entered into an accreditation that reflects the work they are accessing (with support) in their streamed subject lessons. Groupings are based on on-going teacher assessment. Where a learner is borderline being able to achieve the level above e.g. Entry Level Certificate 3 or Functional Skills Level 1, they are entered for both exams.
Accreditation available in 24/25:
English (Language) and Maths GCSE
English and Maths Functional Skills (Level 1 and 2)
English and Maths (Entry Levels)
Non-Qualification English and Maths Units for learners below Entry Level (AQA Unit Award Scheme)
A variety of AQA Unit Award Schemes within vocational subjects (learners expected to achieve 1 Unit Award per term, per vocational subject)
Digital Functional Skills (Entry Level 3 / Level 1)
Sports Leaders (Level 1)
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award (Core Pathway Year 10/11, option for KS5)
Please see below for details of our recent examination results and destination of our leavers:
There are regulations set for exams by the JCQ or the Joint Council for Qualifications. JCQ’s purpose is to bring together major educational and vocational examination boards in the United Kingdom and to oversee testing standards. The JCQ should not be confused with Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation), which holds the authority to regulate and accredit British examination boards.