

Admission Criteria:

Thriftwood College provides education for students aged 14-19, all of whom have a Education, Health and Care Plan.

We fully understand that making the right choice of college is very important for the young person and for the family.

We therefore recommend that you:

  • Contact the college to register your interest and book an appointment for the next available open morning.
  • Attend an open session, gain information and ask any questions that you may have.
  • Reflect on what you have seen and heard.
  • Inform the SOS (SEND Operations Service) 0333 0139946 of your preference - this will initiate the placement process.

It is the local authority who has responsibility for the admissions to Thriftwood College.

The main criteria for a placement at Thriftwood College are as follows:
  • Students must have a Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Students must have Moderate Learning Difficulties plus additional complex needs
  • Priority is given to young people in the local catchment area and children looked after

Please click HERE to access our Admissions policy.

To request advice on the admission process please telephone our Admin Team on 01245 262779.