About Us


Thriftwood School caters for pupils aged 7 - 14, all of whom have an Education Health Care Plan.

We are a day school for children and young people who have moderate learning difficulties including additional complex needs.  This covers a wide range of needs including those with autism and speech, language and social communication difficulties.

Please be aware that although we are designated to cater for students from age 5, our youngest class is Year 3 which means we currently have no Reception, Year One or Year Two classes and we have no plans to change this in the future.

We fully understand that making the right choice of school is very important for the child and the family. We therefore recommend that you:

  • Make an appointment to visit the school
  • Talk to the Headteacher / Deputy headteacher, staff and pupils
  • Reflect on what you have seen and heard
  • Inform your current school and the Statutory Assessment Service of your decision ~ this will initiate the placement process.
  • It is the Local Authority who has responsibility for admissions to the School.

Please click HERE to access our Admissions policy.

Thriftwood school works with the Mid-Essex SAS area:

Statutory Assessment Service
Causeway House
Bocking End

For the SAS Statutory Assessments Team please telephone: 0300 003 4131

I02Q6404 I02Q5339 I02Q6438 min