Our Curriculum
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Thriftwood School & College is committed to providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which engages, motivates, excites and challenges our learners whilst preparing them for the future. Our curriculum aims to prepare our pupils to be as independent as they can possibly be. Working with parents and other agencies, we offer a flexible approach to learning as well as teaching the skills to allow pupils to grow into resilient, confident adults who are able to achieve their individual best and participate in the wider community. We believe our pupils deserve the best provision possible and therefore we have high expectations and regularly review and evaluate the curriculum to ensure it is fit for purpose.
We strongly believe that the provision at Thriftwood:
- is broad and balanced with the flexibility to meet needs
- reflects progression and is differentiated to support the range of learners that we have in school
- promotes care and concern for the pupils themselves, others and the environment
- promotes spiritual, moral, social, cultural and physical development
- promotes creativity in learning
- uses the local community to reinforce the work that we do in school
- prepares pupils for the transition to adolescence and adulthood
- engages parents in partnerships that will enhance the pupil’s cognitive, emotional and social development
- operates within a clear framework of planning, assessment and reporting
All of our pupils have a special educational need and our offer includes a specialised curriculum delivered through a range of teaching methods, interventions, approaches and strategies to promote and encourage good progress and access to the curriculum.
Here is our KS2-KS5 Complete Curriculum Overview.
Complete Curriculum Overview
We have 2 distinct curriculum pathways as illustrated by the diagram below.
Foundation Growth Pathway
The following criteria are used to determine the selection of the Foundation Growth Pathway for a learner:
- Cognitive ability markedly below the average level for the cohort at Thriftwood
- Limited independence skills, alongside a substantial requirement for social skills support
- Complex medical needs necessitating a high level of care and assistance
- Behaviours for learning that impede the learner’s ability to access the curriculum effectively
Some learners may present with needs across all of these areas, while others may demonstrate challenges in only one.
Learners may move out of or into this pathway throughout their time at Thriftwood dependent upon their individual needs and progress made.
Their curriculum is meticulously designed to foster personal growth and gradually decrease reliance on adult assistance. Emphasis is placed on nurturing their abilities to engage with the world more independently, with a strong focus on enhancing life skills, communication skills, self-care, and decision-making capabilities.
Fundamentals for the Future (FFF) - We have developed a Curriculum Framework called "Fundamentals for the Future" upon which all our subject areas are built. This framework consists of all the key skills we believe are essential for our pupils to lead an independent, healthy and purposeful life.
The framework is set out under the Preparation for Adulthood titles and links to the areas with Education Health Care Plans (EHCP). This framework is taught both discreetly and also within/through other subject areas. Pupil progress within the framework is tracked.
Through careful planning and delivery, our curriculum is personalised to meet the needs of our learners, enabling them to reach their full potential and prepares them to take their place in society. The curriculum is further spilt into areas of learning:
Functional Skills – reading, writing, maths
Creative Development - music, art, drama,
Physical Development - PE, swimming, gymnastics, horse riding, forest school
Independent Living Skills- PSHE, food tech
Community Awareness - Travel Training, community visits, personal safety and road safety,
Knowledge and Understanding of the World - ICT, D&T, Science, History, Geography and RE
Phonics - At Thriftwood, we follow the Bug Club phonics programme supplemented by Twinkl Phonics for Phase 1 only (as an extended programme). We also integrate phonological awareness activities into this phase. Phonics is taught regularly throughout the primary phase, and students are placed in ability groups if appropriate. The sessions are short, and multi-sensory if possible to promote engagement and retention. For further details on our Phonics Programme, please see our Phonics attachment below.
Our Curriculum Outline for 2024/25:-
(Autumn Curriculum Summaries are in progress and will appear on the website as soon as possible)
Pupils within Key Stage 2 will have the opportunity to swim weekly for part or all of the calendar year at school. During these sessions, the focus is on gaining confidence in the water, following adult instructions, developing strokes and working towards achieving 25m unaided swimming. We also use this opportunity to promote independence, self-help skills and social communication.
Pupils within Key stage 3 have the opportunity to further refine these skills when swimming with the class in years
7 and 8.