About Us

Uniform Policy 2024/25

At Thriftwood School we believe that our school uniform promotes the ethos of the school, provides our students with a sense of belonging and identity and helps our students to follow a routine, associating particular clothing as a cue for going to school.

All school pupils are required to wear school uniform. 

This can be ordered online direct from our supplier, Schoolwear Plus, and sent to your home address.  However, generic uniform of the same colour is acceptable. Please see below for link to Schoolwear Plus website.
Jewellery/Personal Grooming  

We recommend that learners do not wear jewellery to school or college.  If jewellery gets lost or stolen Thriftwood cannot cover the cost for a replacement. There could be a risk of jewellery getting caught and causing injury, especially in the case of piercings and hoop earrings. 

If jewellery is to be worn, it is limited to one small plain ring and small stud earrings. These must be removed or covered for PE lessons. No other jewellery or piercings (including facial piercings or tongue studs) are permitted. Persistent breaking of these rules will result in jewellery items being confiscated until the end of the half term. 

Learners in years 7 to 9 should not wear make-up and in Years 10 onwards it should be discreet.  False nails must not be worn to school/college.  Fake eyelashes (strip or extensions) are not allowed.

No extreme hair styles or fashion colours. 

Uniform for pupils in Primary and Middle Schools (Years 3 to 8) consists of:
  • Grey skirt/trousers                                      
  • Sky-blue polo shirt             
  • Navy cardigan or sweatshirt
  • Black shoes
Uniform for pupils in Upper School (Year 9) consists of: 
  • A navy blazer with a Thriftwood badge (badges are available to purchase from our supplier)
  • Grey trousers or skirt
  • White shirt
  • Thriftwood tie (available to purchase from our supplier)
  • Maroon sweatshirt 
  • Black shoes

All pupils are expected to wear an appropriate PE kit consisting of a navy t-shirt, navy shorts and trainers which will remain at school. (There has been a change from white t-shirts to navy blue.  We do not expect parents to rush out and buy navy blue t-shirts, but moving forward when you need to replace your child's white PE t-shirt, could you please in future purchase navy blue). 

As Thriftwood School is an outdoor school, all pupils are required to have suitable outdoor clothing for the weather conditions and to have a pair of wellingtons which will remain in school.

Please ensure all clothing worn to school is clearly marked with your child's name.

To order uniform from Schoolwear Plus, please click HERE 

Pre-loved uniform

We do hold a selection of 'pre-loved' school uniform which will be available to purchase at a greatly reduced cost/donation at our annual family picnic day, which takes place during the Summer term.

Items can be selected from school at other times.*

*Please call the school on 01245 266880 if you wish to select any pre-loved uniform, please be aware that as these clothes are donated, we cannot guarantee we will have specific items/sizes - a donation towards school funds would be appreciated for any item taken.  



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