Information for Parents & Carers

Home School Liaison

Mina Hussain and Natasha Terry are our Pupil Support and Pastoral Team.

They work closely with parents, carers, and multi-professionals with an aim to meet the holistic needs of each child and their families.

We have an open door approach to communication between parents and carers and School/College.

It is very important that we work in partnership with you to support your child – good communication is essential.

To contact Ms Hussain or Mrs Terry you can ring 01245 266880 or e-mail 

  • Class Teachers are available to take calls before the School day, at lunch-time or after School
  • You can make an appointment with Phase Leaders, the School Lead or the Executive Headteacher
  • We hold a termly meeting for you to meet the Class Teacher, plus an annual review in the autumn or spring term
  • Home/School Diaries are issued to all pupils
  • Regular updates, information, and letters are sent home via email and text through Arbor - please ensure we have your current mobile phone number and email address
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