Information for Parents & Carers

Parents Notice Board

M&G Investments Choose Thriftwood School as their chosen Charity

A huge thank you to staff at M and G Investments have chosen us to be their charity to help fundraise this year by walking many, many miles across England and Wales. If you would like to sponsor them, please click the link below:-

M&G Fundraising Link

POET - Personal Evaluation Outcome Tool

HAVE YOUR SAY...Share your experiences of SEN and EHCP support and help improve services in Essex.

• Do you receive Special Educational Needs (SEN) support for a special educational need or disability?

• Do you have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)?

• Are you a parent, carer or practitioner with children or  young people who have   an EHCP or SEN support?

If the answer is YES, we’d love to hear your thoughts through the POET survey!  It takes just ten minutes to complete.

Click below to see the poster

POET Poster

and click HERE to visit the site

Essex Family Forum

We are a group of parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities and additional needs aged 0-25 who are passionate about empowering parents and influencing the decisions that affect our families. For more details, including membership (which is FREE), please click below for the flyer.

Essex Family Forum Flyer

Would you like to have your say?...

Action for Children are inviting Essex children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to take part in ‘Have your Say’ a survey where they can answer one, two or three questions about their experiences and leave a review via a ‘smiley face score’ from 1 to 4, or a written comment to tell us about a club or activity.   

Click HERE for the link to the survey.

Giving Machine

It’s so easy to generate free cash donations for us just by shopping online via TheGivingMachine. Please click below for the flyer.

Giving Machine Flyer

Please see attached flyer about the ENRICH Project with guest speaker Javed Moore

ENRICH Project with guest Speaker Javed Moore


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